

As you've ended up here, I guess you want to know a bit more about me.


I live with my husband in a little town in the South East of England.

I fell in love with beauty shortly after turning 21, which is a little late these days, but I thought it was self indulgent and shallow.

I have since seen the error of my ways, and I am now an avid activist for advocating the use of positivity towards beauty and being a W-O-M-A-N.

woo women!

The beauty industry has undoubtedly helped build my confidence. Not only in a superficial ways of hiding blemishes or dark circles, but it has helped me discover important parts of my personality that were previously hidden, and has introduced me to a wonderful network of women who support and encourage each others careers and triumphs.

None of this bitchiness typically associated with that line of work.

Enough of me for now, how are you doing?

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